Sunday, July 31, 2011

Martin Sharp, 1967

A few years ago, went to a Summer of Love exhibit at the Whitney and have yet to get this poster out of my head... 

"Plant A Flower Child"

Friday, July 29, 2011

On Repeat: He Doesnt Know Why by Fleet Foxes

Ever have that week where no music inspires you and than you hear that one song and you get it? Yes.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

If it makes you happy...

While reading Gretchen Craft's, The Happiness Project, she uncovers that she finds herself putting off using new stationary in hopes of saving it for the right occasion. I often have this problem, putting off a project, an outfit, or an activity for another day.

Recently I've been struggling to wear this vintage elephant print shirt I found (did I mention it was fate?) in Italy while studying abroad. Not only have I been struggling, I've made approximitely twelve different outfits in which the shirt fit perfectly with than exasperated with anxiety anounced I would hold off on wearing it for another day.

What other day? Too many times I've slipped on a pair of new heels only to decide I should save them for that perfect night out. Conclusion (and contrary to my popular belief): nobody really remembers what you wear except your best friend since fifth grade who knows every inch of your closet because she's probably taking mental notes on what she can borrow once you've already worn it atleast once.